New York City Shoplifting Attorney
Shoplifting Arrests
Shoplifting is one of the most common criminal offenses in New York City. Although many offenders are non-violent, the arrest is usually very aggressive and unpleasant. It starts with a confrontation. This confrontation may be ambiguous where you don't know why you are being confronted or you may be told that you are being suspected of theft. This process of being informed, not informed, or misinformed continues throughout the arrest. Next, you may be brought to another room were you may be searched. During this search, a store employee may go through your purse, bags, and pockets looking for store merchandise. You may be tricked into signing various legal documents that aren't legible or that you don't have enough time to read. Depending on the store, you may be forced to pay a civil fine or civil demand. This is done by falsely promising to release you if you pay it. Many people are then turned over to the police after being detained for hours without food, water, or access to a bathroom. Being turned over to the police may actually be a relief due harsh treatment in many stores and by store employees. Unfortunately, the police will often handcuff and detain you which, although embarrassing and unnecessary, is routine. While being transported to the precinct, you may be interrogated. Finally, you are fingerprinted, photographed, and released with a desk appearance ticket. These fingerprints and photographs along with the arrest report are on file with the police and, depending on what happens in court, could become public record.
Too often, store employees use a shoplifting arrest as an opportunity to exaggerate, lie, trick you into signing legal documents and into paying unnecessary fines, and make personal insults. This is followed by the police who often sugar-coat your situation with false sympathy. These individuals have motives and incentives that conflict with yours. To put it simply, the store and police work to make your life miserable starting from the first accusation. This accusation, if not handled properly, could result in a permanent criminal record and criminal penalties up to a year in jail.
Although this may be your first shoplifting case, it isn't ours. We have successfully defended hundreds of shoplifting cases throughout the New York City area. Regardless of your situation, Attorney Lance Fletcher is on your side and will fight to get your case dismissed, your record sealed, and avoid other serious consequences. If you or someone you know has been charged with shoplifting, you will need an attorney representing you when you appear in court. At the Law Offices of Lance Fletcher PLLC, we are dedicated to defending clients throughout the New York City metropolitan area and have proven results in doing so. A New York City shoplifting lawyer can evaluate your case, advise you on the legal factors involved, and present an aggressive defense on your behalf.
Following a Shoplifting Arrest
If you are arrested for shoplifting after being detained by a store security person or other employee, you may be issued a Desk Appearance ticket which will require you to return to court on the date indicated. These tickets are issued in lieu of taking you to be booked at a Central Booking location. If you fail to return to court as directed, an arrest warrant may be issued. When you do return to court, you must have legal representation in order for your case to be resolved.
Shoplifting technology. We are often asked, "What kind of evidence could they have against me?" A shoplifting arrest often occurs as a result of improved technological advancements used by retail outlets to deter theft. Almost every store employs anti-shoplifting technology, from small convenience stores to major retailers. This technology consists of electronic article surveillance, cameras, magnetic systems based on price tags and readers, and RFID scanners which use radio wave frequency to track merchandise throughout a store. Sometimes these devices cause false alarms, which are triggered in various ways, from improper deactivation of price tags to interference from cell phones. Whether one or a combination of these technologies was used in your case, Attorney Lance Fletcher is used to challenging their admissibility and avoiding conviction.
To avoid potential penalties and a permanent criminal record, you should consult with an attorney who is experienced in handling shoplifting Desk Appearance tickets. Attorney Lance Fletcher is a former prosecutor with extensive criminal law experience.
Contact a New York City shoplifting lawyer at the firm following a shoplifting arrest today.